Let’s Connect
Once you’ve visited Sylvan Dale, we think you’ll understand.
Come on out to the Ranch for a tour!
Laura Armstrong, Executive Director
Silas Binkley, Director of Programs & Operations
Angela Elzer, Youth Programs Coordinator
Carol Johnson, Program & Development Assistant
Sylvan Dale is 7 miles west of Loveland on US Highway 34 (also called Eisenhower Blvd.). Take Highway 34 west all the way through Loveland and continue west as the highway winds out of Loveland. Just before Sylvan Dale, the highway takes an uphill turn to the right and widens with a passing lane. Watch for the covered wagons on the right (north) side of the road. The wagons will signal that you are approaching the ranch entrance on your right. Turn right at the wooden Sylvan Dale Ranch signs. (If you miss the first entrance, turn right just before the Dam Store, continue down the road, and turn left in front of the stables.)
If you are meeting with Heart-J staff or attending a program at the Heart-J Classroom: To get to the Heart-J Center office, cross the river and continue up the hill. At the top of the hill, take a hard right (pretty much a right hand U-turn). You’ll be in the driveway of “The J-House” — the Heart-J office is on the right side of the building. Look for the white door.
Most outdoor Heart-J programs get started at the Hilltop Parking Lot: To get to the Hilltop parking lot, cross the river and continue straight up the big hill. At the top of the hill, the road flattens out. Continue straight and you’ll see the Hilltop Parking Lot, a large gravel lot diagonally to your right.
Heart-J Retreats Start at “The Heritage”: To get to the Sylvan Dale Ranch office and Heritage Building, cross the river and turn right just over the bridge. Follow along the river and then the road bears left between two buildings. Continue on this road, past several cabins on your right. You’ll see a row of diagonal parking. Park there and walk north to the Heritage building. The office is just inside the double doors.