The Sylvan Dale Legacy
Maurice and Mayme “Tillie” Jessup bought Sylvan Dale in 1946. The Jessup Family has welcomed tens of thousands of guests to enjoy its natural beauty and relaxed, friendly Western hospitality.
Maurice and Tillie had two passions: Sylvan Dale and education. Tillie's parents were unable to send her to college, but she spent her life striving to provide to others the learning experiences she treasured. In addition to running the Ranch, Maurice had a distinguished career as a public school teacher and administrator. Their love of learning, delight in sharing the endless adventure of discovery, and their deep and abiding love of the land inspires us every day.
The Ranch is an amazing 3,000 acre "living laboratory." It's a beautiful oasis of quiet, serenity, and infinite possibilities for exploration. A place to connect to nature, to ourselves, and to each other.
Sylvan Dale is a pocket of paradise where you can leave your daily routine behind. With the rhythms of nature to inspire you and Western hospitality to take care of you, you’ll find peace and contentment that stay with you long after you head down the road for home.
Tillie and Maurice at Sylvan Dale in the 1940s
Sylvan Dale Wranglers and Guests in the 1940s