Heart-J Serves People Who Serve…
Warriors Write!
This is a monthly program for women veterans from all branches, all years. We gather to write and learn and tell stories and connect. New members are welcome to join at any time. Attend the meetings in person or over Zoom. This program is offered at no charge to participants thanks to our incredible donors!
Health4Heroes Monthly Programs
Health4Heroes to offer monthly hikes and hangouts for Northern Colorado veterans and first responders. These family-friendly events are a great way to get outside, explore the Ranch, and meet cool people! H4H also offers gym memberships, social events, bowling, and much more. Check out the details by clicking below.
Healthcare Workers
Heart-J Center’s Healthcare Heroes Retreat provides a two-day, one-night chance to catch your breathe and unwind from the mayhem of the COVID response. We are working on the 2023 schedule for these retreats. Click the button below to send us a note if you would like to learn more or if you would like us to reach out to your employer to partner on planning a retreat.
Maurice Jessup, who bought Sylvan Dale in 1946, dedicated his life to two passions: being an educator and being a guest rancher. Education is part of the Sylvan Dale Legacy and we honor the dedication and influence of teachers, current and retired. If you’d like to get involved in Heart-J Center, please get in touch: explore@heartjcenter.org